Become part of Qatar's sporting legacy by partnering with Polska Fabryka Sportow

At Polska Fabryka Sportow, we’re dedicated to revolutionizing sports infrastructure with our premium range of materials. As a leading manufacturer and supplier of PU, Acrylic, EPDM, Rubber Tiles, and Artificial Turf, we offer cutting-edge solutions for various sporting environments. Whether it’s a professional stadium or a community recreation center, we have the perfect materials to enhance performance, safety, and aesthetics.

our product​s

Why choose us

High-Quality Materials

Customized Solutions

Global Expertise

Competitive Pricing

Innovative Solutions

Our Commitment to Qatar

Our Commitment to Qatar’s Sporting Vision

Polska Fabryka Sportow is deeply committed to Qatar’s dynamic vision for sports and recreation. We recognize the transformative power of sports in fostering unity, promoting health, and driving progress. Our pledge is to actively contribute to Qatar’s journey towards becoming a global sports hub by delivering cutting-edge sports infrastructure solutions and unwavering support to athletes and communities alike.

Empowering Athletes, Inspiring Communities

At Polska Fabryka Sportow, we believe in the potential of every athlete and the power of sports to uplift communities. Our commitment extends beyond providing state-of-the-art materials; it encompasses fostering an environment where athletes can thrive and communities can come together in pursuit of shared goals. Through our innovative products and collaborative approach, we aim to empower athletes at all levels and inspire a culture of active living across Qatar.

Sustainable Partnerships for a Brighter Future

Central to our commitment is sustainability. We recognize the importance of preserving Qatar’s natural beauty and resources for future generations. That’s why we are dedicated to implementing eco-friendly practices across our operations, from manufacturing to installation. By prioritizing sustainability in all that we do, we aim to contribute positively to Qatar’s environmental goals while creating enduring sports infrastructure that stands the test of time.

Building Bridges Through Sports Excellence

Polska Fabryka Sportow is not just a supplier; we are partners in Qatar’s journey towards sports excellence. Through our unwavering dedication, innovative solutions, and collaborative spirit, we strive to build bridges that connect athletes, communities, and nations. Together, let’s build a future where sports transcend boundaries, inspire greatness, and leave a lasting legacy of unity and achievement in Qatar and beyond.

Join Us in Shaping Qatar’s Sporting Legacy

Join us in shaping Qatar’s sporting legacy. Whether you’re a visionary developer, a passionate athlete, or a community leader, together, we can create a future where sports are more than just a pastime—they are a catalyst for positive change. Reach out to Polska Fabryka Sportow today, and let’s embark on this transformative journey together.

  • Sports Infrastructure in Qatar: Polska Fabryka Sportow offers top-quality materials for sports infrastructure projects in Qatar, including running tracks, sports courts, football fields, and cycle tracks.

  • PU, Acrylic, EPDM Supplier: Looking for a reliable supplier of PU, Acrylic, EPDM, and Rubber Tiles in Qatar? Polska Fabryka Sportow delivers premium materials for sports infrastructure projects.

  • Artificial Turf Manufacturer: Polska Fabryka Sportow is a leading manufacturer of Artificial Turf in Qatar, providing durable and weather-resistant surfaces for football fields and other sporting facilities.

  • Expert Sports Infrastructure Solutions: Polska Fabryka Sportow provides expert solutions for sports infrastructure projects in Qatar, offering customization, quality assurance, and sustainability.


We start by listening. Through in-depth consultations, we understand your needs to deliver tailored solutions


Our expert team crafts detailed design plans with all necessary components included


We present clients with a comprehensive proposal, outlining project scope, timeline, and budget alongside the plan


Our team starts the supply process, using only top-quality materials and equipment while adhering to strict safety standards


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Ready to elevate your sports infrastructure projects ?

We’re here to help. Whether you have questions, need expert guidance, or are ready to kick-start your project, our team at Polska Fabryka Sportow is just a click or call away. Get in touch with us today and let’s turn your vision into reality.

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We understand that every project is unique. Schedule a one-on-one consultation with our experts to discuss your specific needs and discover how we can bring your vision to life.



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